Conjunctivitis (Madras Eye) |
If your eyes are itching a bit more than usual or if your eyes have turned a bit more red than usual or if there is more watery discharge from your eyes than usual or if your eyes look a little more swollen than usual - get alert; Madras Eye is now in Bengaluru!
Lately in the City, I have seen a few of them amongst the general public having typical signs of Madras Eye infection - redness, itchy & swollen eyes with quite a bit of discharge. A friend of mine has also managed to pick the infection from sources unknown and recovered.
Conjunctivitis, commonly called as 'Madras Eye' or 'Bangladesh Eye' or 'Pink Eye' or 'Red Eye' is actually an acute inflammatory condition of the thin outermost layer of the eye, involving the inner surface of the eyelids too. Causes being Viral, Bacterial and Allergic, Conjunctivitis is said to be milder with Bacterial origin - which seems to be prevalent in Bengaluru since the infection seems to be not so severe.
Infection spreads by air and by coming in direct contact with the discharge from an infected eye. If bound to travel in public transport vehicles, you never know in which corner the infection exists. Best way to avoid picking infection is to wash hands often and keep a fair distance away from an already infected eye. With symptoms of Conjunctivitis, do make some time to get an immediate appointment and visit your Family Physician without fail.
Belladonna, a Homeopathy Medicine, when taken 4 pills a day for 3 days is said to develop an immune response sufficient to protect us from getting infected. Belladonna (200 Potency, 30 size Globules) is available in HomeoWorld (Sampige Road, Malleshwaram, 100 meters ahead of Mantri Square towards your right) and 2 Drams pills would be sufficient for say a family of 5 members. Euphrasia (30 Potency, 30 size Globules) is said to be the treatment for Madras Eye in Homeopathy - consulting a Homeopath is, however, highly recommended.
Prevention is always better than Cure. Eyes are the most beautiful part of a Girl's face; Boys do need them to see the beauty! So, beware and protect your valuable Eyes; no matter you donate them or not, later.