Be it a posh 5-Star hotel or a road-side eatery, Gobi Manchurian - basically a Chinese preparation finds it's existence everywhere in Bengaluru. The weather is so chill, been raining all day yesterday; I just am planning to hang out to eat something hot, tasty and spicy - Gobi Manchurian, so very yummy!
Gobi Manchurian |
Errrrr.. the sun (looking at the sky) hasn't yet sunk, the real pleasure of eating Gobi Manchurian is at its best during night (no idea, why?!). Let me share something with you while the sun slowly finds his way to the other side of the world.
A couple of weeks ago, on my way back from office, stuck in the City's usual congested traffic, I happen to see a bunch of fresh, delicious, clean, healthy-looking Cauliflower piled up in a vegetable shop. They were so clean and fresh-looking; I don't ever remember even Mom managing to clean them so good at kitchen! I was all tempted to buy a couple of them; but the (really) slow moving traffic kept me off.
Fresh Cauliflower |
Very recently (may be a couple of days ago), when having dinner (that's the time I usually manage to watch Television), TV-9 anchored a program in which the secret of the 'freshness' of Cauliflower was unveiled -
Callisulfan |
Endosulfan is a colorless organochloride compound, widely used as a pesticide (insecticide & acaricide) against whiteflys, aphids, leafhoppers, potato beetles and cabbage worms. Use of this poisonous compound is banned in most of the Countries across the world; but,
India still remains the world's largest producer & largest user of Endosulfan. Manufactured by Hindustan Insecticides Ltd. (a Govt. of India Enterprise -, the product is marketed with a statutory note to be sparingly used. Practically, farmers are reported to be using the pesticide enough to make sure that abundant residues are stuffed-in to the Cauliflower before harvesting. Adding to this, farmers are taking all the pain to dip each and every single harvested Cauliflower in a bucket-full of
Endosulfan solution (huhhh!) and make it look absolutely clean before dumping them to the Market to get a
HANDsome money in return.
Endosulfan is reported to be acutely neurotoxic to insects and mammals, including humans. It adversely affects the Central Nervous System (CNS), Cardiovascular, Respiratory systems and also impairs Hepatic functions. Its severity of action during Pregnancy is shocking, resulting in major physical abnormalities in the new born. It is powerful enough to affect even the animals, substantiating evidences speak the truth. Googling a bit about
Endosulfan, I found its extensive use in Kasaragod district of Kerala from the late 70s to 2001 has resulted in a tragedy, that continues to exist even today.
Endosulfan Victims in Kasaragod (Kerala) |
Before Govt. of India takes any crucial & firm decision, how many dumb animals are to be disabled? How many more of us should fall victims to this deadly poison?? How many innocent children are to be born disabled for life??? How far the residues of
Endosulfan are to be added to the Environment in alarming quantities????
Well, forget all these debate. Now, its time for me to order a plate full of '
Endosulfan Gobi Munchurian'. Are you game for it as well?